- +994 12 460 71 12
- info@azərucot.az
- Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 18:00
1. To conduct trainings and seminars in order to educate specialists involved in the organization of procurement procedures;
2. Preparing and approving the preliminary procurement plan for the next year no later than October 15 of the current year and placing state procurements on a single internet portal;
3. After the approval of the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the next year, clarification and approval of the initial procurement plan and placement of state procurement on a single internet portal;
4. Determination of the procurement method to be applied for the cost items provided in the cost estimate for the current year;
5. Determining the likely price of goods (works and services);
6. Establishment of tender commission;
7. Examining the documents submitted by the consignors (contractors) to the tender commission regarding the qualifications (except for the tender offer);
8. Preparing, approving and publishing a tender announcement or sending an individual invitation to the consignors (contractors) to participate in the tender (on the unified internet portal of state procurement, in the mass media);
9. Submission of the set of basic conditions of the tender to the sending organization and registration as a bidder;
10. Explaining and making changes to the set of basic conditions of the tender;
11. Submission of a tender offer by Malsatan;
12. Bid validity period, change and withdrawal;
13. Obtaining the security of the tender offer;
14. Starting the tender procedure;
15. Consideration of tender offers, their evaluation and comparison;
16. Tender commission decision;
17. Acceptance of tender offers and entry into force of the purchase contract;
18. Obtaining a guarantee of performance of the purchase contract;
19. Purchase Agreement Payments: An advance payment of not more than 30% of the total value of the purchase agreement may be made. For the purchase of an advance, the consignor provides a bank guarantee to the purchasing organization in an amount not less than the total amount of the advance payment;
Babek Avenue, 12A, Block C, Door 2 Azerbaijan, Baku, AZ 1025
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